Is your anxiety causing you to miss out? Is it getting in your way of having meaningful relationships or experiencing what life has to offer?
Exposure and response prevention therapy is considered the gold standard CBT approach to anxiety therapy.
ERP is a therapy designed to help sufferers of anxiety to face their fears and learn to live with a manageable amount of anxiety. It would be unrealistic to ever suggest that we can get rid of anxiety all together. It is a hereditary survival instinct, a throwback from our caveman days. The problems occur when the part of our brain called the amygdala develops a glitch and causes us to feel threatened in situations where extreme response is unwarranted.
People who suffer with anxiety disorders such as OCD, phobias, social anxiety, panic disorder, eating disorder and GAD have usually built a safety structure for themselves which they believe is protecting them from whatever bad thing their glitchy amygdala has created. These safety behaviours might include, avoidance, repeated behaviours such as checking, seeking constant reassurance or extreme attempt to control their environment.
ERP is designed to gradually reduce these safety behaviours and compulsions through a program of intentional, gradual exposure. This is designed with the client; at a pace we decide on together. ERP involves looking at the triggers and core beliefs that drive the behaviour then using in session exposures relevant to the individual. We might use imaginal scripts to introduce a triggering idea, desensitising our feelings of anxiety to a situation. Most weeks there will be homework in the form of exposing yourself to your fear and increasing tolerance to the feelings you experience. I know this sounds scary but remembering your motivation for wanting to make these changes in your life can and will help you reach your goal.
My person centred approach combined with the science behind ERP allows me to see both the person and the problem. ERP requires courage and willingness to experience your negative emotions. I offer an empathetic, understanding space and provide the support needed to see you through the brave steps you are taking.